5 Healthy Cleaning Products For Your Home

Being healthy isn’t just about food and exercise, it also includes your environment and the things that are in it and even the air that you breathe. Most people know that many cleaning products are full of harsh chemicals and other unknowns, and these things can cause problems without you even realizing. If improving your health is your goal, check out these five healthy cleaning products we’ve compiled at CentralVac that are easy to use:

1. Natural Air Fresheners

Instead of stocking up on aerosol spray air fresheners, try using some natural ingredients to clean the air in your home. You can simply fill a saucepan with a quart of water, add fresh aromatic ingredients, and let simmer. Anything from orange slices, with cinnamon, and nutmeg, to lemon slices with fresh rosemary or thyme and a little vanilla will make your home smell amazing.

2. Microfiber

You can purchase antibacterial microfiber cloths that don’t require you to use any type of cleaner, period. These cloths come in a variety of styles and have different purposes. Whether you need to clean walls, windows, mirrors, or even mop floors, microfiber is a great healthy alternative and will save you money too!

3. Central Vacs

If you want clean air in your home, using a central vac is definitely the way to go. Central vacuums reach the dirt and dust a traditional vacuum just can’t get to, and instead of throwing dirt particles into the air, a central vac expels it all outside. This makes for much cleaner air inside and can help to reduce allergies as well as asthmatic symptoms

4. Homemade Laundry Soap

Commercial laundry soaps are known to be full of fillers that just are necessary. Making your own laundry soap at home can save you a BUNCH of money while eliminating those unwanted chemicals from touching your skin.

5. Vinegar

Vinegar is the ultimate cleaning solution that is probably already in your pantry. Its acidic nature makes it the perfect healthy cleaning product as it gently removes scum, grease, and grime with just a little light scrubbing.

CentralVac Can Help You Keep A Clean, Healthy Home

Ready to learn more about how central vacuums can help you maintain a healthy home environment? Browse our central vacuum systems or contact us today to learn more!